Hi Friends. You are watching Tamil Beauty TV and My hearty welcome those who are watching our channel. Honey is used in most of the beauty tips. Honey is used as it has antibacterial, antiseptic and skin whitening properties. In Today's show we are going to share 5 beauty tips using honey. In a bowl mix cinnamon powder and honey well. Apply on your Acne using an ear bud.
Cinnamon powder and honey has antibacterial formula which helps to clear the acne faster. Leave it for ten minutes and after ten minutes wash it off. Squeeze half lemon in half cup of Warm water. Add 1 tbsp of honey and mix it well. We have to drink this juice in empty stomach. By drinking this you will lose weight as well as get a clear skin. Apply honey on your lips everyday. It keeps your lips moisturised. It removes the broken skin and keeps our lips soft and smooth. Add little oats and honey in a bowl and mix it well. Apply it on your face. Gently massage for 5 minutes. Massaging removes the dead skins and keeps the skin soft, smooth and healthy.
After 5 minutes wash your face. Squeeze half a lemon in a bowl. Add 1 tbsp of honey and mix it well. Apply it on your face and massage for five minutes. Honey and lemon has skin lightening property which helps to keep our skin bright. After 5 minutes wash your face.
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