Hi Friends. You are watching Tamil Beauty TV and My hearty welcome those who are watching our channel. It will be beautiful, when we smile, if we have chubby cheeks Most of us are fond of chubby cheeks. In this video we are going to see how to get chubby cheeks.
First we are going to fill air in our mouth as i do. Hold it for 10 seconds and do it as soon as you wake up and whenever you are free. Secondly we are going to pinch our cheeks. Do it whenever you get time and do atleast 10 times a day. Next we are going to fill water in our mouth. Hold it for 10 seconds and do it whenever you are free. Next i am giving a massage to cheeks. You can use either Aloe vera gel (Natural or store bought) or Olive oil for this massage.
Massaging is done to increase the blood circulation in cheeks and make it chubby. Massage for 5 minutes.
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