Hi Friends. You are watching Tamil Beauty TV and My hearty welcome those who are watching our channel. Dandruff is a common problem for people of all age group. If we have dandruff we will not be able to do our hair styles as white flakes will spoil the look. If we don't care when the dandruff is less it may lead to psoriasis.
Dandruff problem may also cause hair fall, pimples and dark patches in forehead. In today's video we are going to show how to cure dandruff with home remedies. Essentials for this is 4 tbsp Fenugreek seeds. 1/2 cup curd, 1 Lemon and coconut oil. I have soaked 4 tbsp fenugreek overnight. Make it a fine paste by grinding it in a mixie. Add 1/2 cup with the grinded paste. Squeeze one lemon with it. Finally add little coconut oil. Again blend everything well.
Transfer the paste to another bowl. Now we are going to apply this paste in scalp and hair and Make sure that your hair is not oily. Apply on scalp by separating hair into parts. Fenugreek's anti-bacterial property kills the fungus created by dandruff. The protein and minerals present in it also controls hairfall. Curd is a good conditioner and keeps our scalp moisturised and hair glossy. It keeps our hair healthy and controls hairfall as it contains vitamin E and antioxidants.
Citric acid in lemon helps to kill bacteria and cure dandruff. If we have dandruff our hair will be dry and to reduce the dryness we are using coconut oil. Leave it for 45 minutes. Wash the hair with plain water without using shampoo after 45 minutes. Next you wash your hair with the regular shampoo you use.
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