Hi Friends. You are watching Tamil Beauty TV and My hearty welcome those who are watching our channel. Our face will be bright only if we do facial once in a week and Pimples will not come. We have uploaded so many videos for facial and today we are going to share video of a simple facial. By doing this facial we will get glossy skin and fresh look. Let us move on to the video.
First we are going to do cleansing. Before cleansing wipe your face with a cloth dipped in hot water so that your pores will open. Take one tbsp raw milk in a bowl. And 1 tbsp lemon juice. Mix them well. Apply this mixture on your face by dipping a cotton ball and massage for sometime. Cleansing is an important thing while doing facial as it removes dust and impurities. For cleansing we have used Lemon and milk. It removes the blemishes, black patches and improves the skin tone. Milk softens your skin and Lemon is a natural bleach. After massaging wash your face with plain water.
Next for scrubbing take 1 tbsp of rice flour in a bowl and add little honey with it. To prepare a smooth paste I am mixing rose water. Mix it to a smooth paste. Apply it on your face. Apply and scrub for 3 - 5 minutes. By scrubbing the dead cells in our skin will be removed. Rice flour is a good exfoliate and it removes dead cells, improves complexion, gives even skin tone and prevents ageing of skin. Honey and Rose water softens and brightens your skin. After Scrubbing wash your face with plain water.
Next we are going to prepare massage cream. Take 1 tbsp of curd and add a pinch of turmeric powder with it. Mix them well. Gents can add kasthuri manjal instead of turmeric powder. Now the paste is ready. We are going to apply it on the face. Apply and massage your face for 5 - 10 minutes. Massaging improves the blood circulation. Curd gives a radiant look and glow for dry and damaged skin and it is a good moisturiser. It also removes sun tan and dark skin. Turmeric powder reduces the skin infection and it is a skin lightening agent. After Massaging leave it for 10 minutes and then wash your face.
Finally we are going to apply face pack. Take 1/2 ripe banana and cut it into pieces. Mash it with hands or spoon. After mashing add little honey with it. People with dry skin can add olive oil or Almond oil with it and mix it well. Apply this paste on your face. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash you face after 20 minutes.
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