Hi Friends. You are watching Tamil Beauty TV and My hearty welcome those who are watching our channel. Some people will be very lean and may not gain weight. Generally the daily calories requirement for Men is 2500 and for Women -2000 calories. Apart from this we have to take 250 -300 calories more to gain weight. In this show we are going to see how to gain weight with a high nutritional milkshake. Put some almonds in hot water and remove its skin.
Take 4 tbsp of Oats in a pan. Oats is protein rich. As we add almonds and dry grapes with this its energy level gets boosted and helps to gain weight. Fry oats for some time. After frying put it in a mixie jar. Add 1 glass of boiled milk with it. Milk has fat, protein and high calories. It helps to gain weight in a healthy way. Cut two bananas and add. Banana has more calories, helps to improve blood circulation and red blood cell. Add the peeled off almonds.
When we take less almond we will lose weight and if we take more we will gain weight. Grind it well. Transfer it to a glass after blending. Milkshake is ready. Add little honey in it and drink. You would have seen how to make a healthy milkshake. Additionally take two boiled eggs and nutritious food.
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