Hi Friends! You are watching Tamil Beauty Tv. My hearty welcome if you watch our channel for the first time. We care that our face should be bright and fair. But most of us ignore our hands and it becomes very black. There will be different skin tone in hands and face. Some people like to maintain but leave it as they may not aware of proper solution. In this video we are going to see how to whiten our hands with home remedies.
1. First step is scrubbing
Dip half a lemon in sugar and then pour some honey on it. Scrub your hands with it for 3 minutes. After three minutes wash your hands.
2..Second step is applying pack.
Essentials for this are boiled potato half,rice flour, curd, milk, lemon juice. Take a bowl and mash the boiled potato nicely. Add 3 tbsp of rice flour with it. Then add little curd, milk and lemon juice. Mix it well. It will form a thick paste.
Now we are going to apply this in our hands. Vitamin B-6 present in potato improves the formation of new cells. Calcium present in it transforms the dry skin to normal skin and protects the top layer of the skin.
We have added rice flour as it shows our skin bright and fair. We use curd as it moisturises the skin. Milk naturally cleanses your skin. Lemon is a good skin whitening agent. Leave it for half an hour. After half an hour we can wash our hands.
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