Hi Friends! You are watching Tamil Beauty Tv. Many people suffer from whiteheads and blackheads. The most affected people are those who have oily and combination skin. The reason for black heads is the dirt and bacteria enter the open pores and turn it black. Another reason is the oxidation takes place in the open pores and change the skin tone. Whiteheads come as the closed pores changes the skin tone without oxidation. In this video we are going to see how to cure this problem. Essentials for this are Baking Soda, Toothpaste and a Toothbrush. Take 1/2 spoon baking soda. And 1/2 spoon toothpaste. Mix it well.
Scrub your nose with toothbrush for five minutes. Baking soda removes the toxins and helps in formation of new cells. Diclocin and hydrogen peroxide is present in toothpaste As it has anti-bacterial formula it cleanses the bacteria in mouth as well as bacteria present in the nose.
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