Hi Friends! You are watching Tamil Beauty Tv. My hearty welcome if you watch our channel for the first time. The problem faced by most of the people is hairfall. You need not worry if you lose 50 hairs a day.
But if it exceeds the limit you have to take proper treatment. The reason for hair fall may be hormonal changes, Weakened roots due to bathing in hot water. Protein is essential for hair. Hair fall may happen due to low protein food intake. Essentials for this are guava leaves, Onion, Garlic, Olive oil, Castor Oil and Aloe Vera Gel.
Wash Guava leaves. Boil water in a vessel and put the washed guava leaves in it. Let the water boil with the leaves for 20 minutes. See now the leaves have boiled nicely and the juice is strained in the water. Once it is cooled filter the juice in a bowl. Take some onion and garlic. Grind onion and garlic in a mixie. Strain the juice by filtering it. The juice is ready.
Add Guava leaf juice with it. Add Olive oil and Castor oil with it. Finally add Aloe vera gel with it. Mix it well. If you didn't get olive oil you can use Coconut Oil. Apply this juice with a cotton ball on your hair and scalp. Gently Massage your scalp for 10 minutes.
Guava leaves are used as it triggers and improves the hair growth. As Onion is rich sulphur it helps regrowth of hair. Garlic kills the bacteria in the scalp and helps in the growth of new hair in a healthy way. Leave it for one hour. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. If you do this treatment once in two days you can prevent hair loss.
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