Hi Friends! You are watching Tamil Beauty Tv. My hearty welcome if you watch our channel for the first time. Already we uploaded a video on how to keep our skin glowing with a simple facial. This facial is about how to lighten and whiten our skin. 90% of the people have darkness in the neck. The reasons may be sun burn, allergy, improper hygiene, diabetes and obesity. If we take more carbohydrate rich food, carbohydrate gets converted into sugar.
And it triggers the insulin and blackens our skin texture. Menstruation problem also causes darkness in face and neck in girls. In this video we are going to show how to lighten and whiten your skin with home remedies. We are going to do this in three steps Scrubbing, steaming and face pack. For scrubbing we need 1/2 lemon and little sugar. Dip the lemon in the sugar and gently scrub your face and neck for 5 minutes. Scrubbing removes the dead cells in the skin pores.
Take hot water in a vessel and steam your face and neck for 3 minutes. Steaming enlarges the pores, cleans the dirt and give us relaxation. For the third step we need a banana peel, 1/2 tomato, 1 Peeled potato, 1/2 peeled cucumber, milk and honey. Cut the banana peel, tomato, potato, cucumber and blend it well in a miixie. Take 1 tbsp of grounded paste and add milk and honey with it. Mix it well. Apply this on your face and neck. The lactic acid present in milk cleans your face and prevents acne and dark patches. Honey naturally has moisturising agent.
Tomato whitens our skin as it contains vitamin A and Vitamin C. Potato acts as an skin lightening agent as it contains vitamin C. It removes the dark circles and brighten your eyes. It removes the dark spots and dark patches in your cheeks. We always think that banana peel is a waste product. But the antioxidants, Vitamin A,B, C and E present in Banana peel shows our skin healthy and bright. The enzymes present in it brighten and hydrate our skin. Wait for 30 to 40 minutes. Wash it off.