Eventhough we have a glowing face darkness in lips hide our beauty. The reasons for darkness in lips may be injury, improper medicines, cosmetics, Allergy due to toothpaste, sun burn, dryness, smoking or vitamin C deficiency. We should use proper branded lipsticks and lip balms. We are going to show how to remove pigmentation in lips with home remedies.
First step is Lip Scrub. Essentials for this are Sugar, salt, 1/2 Lemon juice, honey, Then olive oil. In a clean bowl add 1 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1/2 tbsp honey, and 1/2 tbsp olive oil. Mix it well. Apply this paste on your lips and scrub for 5 minutes. Scrubbing helps to remove dead cells and dark lines in lips and make our lips soft and smooth. The reason for using honey and lemon is honey moisturises our dry lips And lemon lightens the black tone of our lips.
Second step is Lip Mask. Essentials for this are 1/2 Beetroot, and Glycerine. Cut the beetroot into small pieces blend it well in a mixie. Take 1 tbsp of blended beetroot in a bowl, Add 1 tbsp of Glycerine. Mix it well. Dip a cotton ball in the paste and apply on your lips. Beetroot naturally gives red colour to our lips. Glycerine hydrates our lips and hides the wrinkles. Apply this continuously for one week before going to bed. If you do this you will get amazing results within one week.
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