Hi Friends. You are watching Tamil Beauty TV and My hearty welcome those who are watching our channel. To show our face bright we use many beauty tips, face packs and face scrubs. Not only that we can get glowing skin by eating healthy foods. In our show we are going to see how to get fair skin making a juice with home remedies. Essentials for this are 1/2 Apple, 2 Carrots and 1 beetroot and peel off the skin of carrot and beetroot. Cut it into small pieces.
Cut Apple into small pieces. Place the cut pieces in a mixie jar. Blend it well by adding water. Apple is a good medicine to solve our skin problems. Vitamin C present in Apple makes the skin glow and prevents skin infections, Acne, pimples and wrinkles. It controls oil secretion due to the conversion of Beta carotene into Vitamin A. So It is useful for people with oily skin. It improves the skin tone and hides the black marks on the face. Beetroot helps to increase the haemoglobin level. It keeps our skin soft and smooth by removing pigmentation and dead cells.
We have shown how to make this easy juice with the fruit and vegetable which we can get in all reasons. Try this tip for 15 days. Take a snap before starting this treatment and another after 15 days you will visibly notice the change. Avoid drinking coffee as you have drink this juice in an empty stomach. You will get better results if you drink two glasses of water before going to bed.
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