Hi Friends. You are watching Tamil Beauty TV and My hearty welcome those who are watching our channel. As girls give importance to beauty boys give importance to their mustache and beard. Mustache and beard have become a trendy style now-a-days. The reason for poor growth of Mustache and beard is due to the lack of secretion of a hormone named "testosterone". We have to take protein and zinc rich food for improving the secretion of the "testosterone" hormone.
Try the tips which we have shared in this video. Clean your face thoroughly before going to bed. Add Castor oil in a bowl and mix coconut oil with it. Apply this oil mixture on your Mustache and beard before going to bed. Next day morning wash you face with plain water. Apply Onion juice on your Mustache and beard half an hour before taking bath. Continue this tip for one month to improve the growth of your Mustache and beard.