Hi Friends. You are watching Tamil Beauty TV and My hearty welcome those who are watching our channel. So far we have uploaded videos for facial and acne treatment. Today we are see video on full body fairness treatment. Generally we don't give much importance to our face and not body. So there is different skin tone in face and body. In today's show we are going to see how to make total body fair with home remedies. Essentials for this are Green gram, Red lentils, Red lentils (Masoor dal), Gram Flour, Liquorice powder, Sandalwood powder. I have dried the orange peel and powdered it. Finally kasthuri turmeric powder. Take a mixie jar and add 2 tbsp green gram flour.
Then add 2 tbsp red lentil (masoor dal). Grind it into a fine powder. Transfer the grinded powder to a bowl. Add 1 tbsp of Gram Flour to it. Add 2 tsp liquorice powder (Athimaduram). You can get liquorice powder in country medicine shops. Add 1/2 tbsp of Sandal wood powder. Then 1 tbsp of orange peel powder. Finally add 1/4 tbsp of kasthuri turmeric powder. Mix it well. Make the powder with the said proportion and You can store this powder for 20-25 days at room temperature. Now the powder is ready and take required amount of powder in a separate bowl. Add curd with this if you have oily skin. If your skin is sensitive add milk with it. Add rose water if you have combination skin. My skin is combination skin and so i am adding rose water with it. Mix it well. It has reached a thick consistency paste. Apply this on your face and body and leave it for 20 minutes.
Green gram flour is rich in Vitamin c and Vitamin B 6. It helps for new cell formation and removes blackheads and whiteheads. Vitamin C present in masoor dal hides black marks improves our skin tone. Liquorice powder improves our skin complexion and changes the skin tone. Sandalwood powder reduces the oil secretion. It kills the germs in the skin and prevents pimples,acne, pores. Orange peel powder gives brightness to our skin and prevents wrinkles. Kasthuri turmeric powder gives smoothness and shine to our skin. After 20 minutes wet your hands with water and massage your face and body for 2 minutes. Then you can take bath as usual.
Buy Online
You can buy the products which we have used in this video through onlineசந்தன பொடி Sandal wood Powder : http://amzn.to/2uISs9Q
மசூர் பருப்பு Masoor Dal : http://amzn.to/2uIZA6g
அதிமதுர பொடி Liquorice Powder : http://amzn.to/2tNsYGZ
ஆரஞ்சு தோல் பொடி Orange peel powder : http://amzn.to/2uN5rav
கஸ்தூரி மஞ்சள் Kasthuri turmeric : http://amzn.to/2wa4GI4
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