How to make rose water at home? - Tamil Beauty Tips
There are two relatively easy ways to make rosewater at home. The easiest and quickest way is by simmering rose petals .
Today we are going to see an essential thing to many people. In this video we are going to tell how to prepare rose water at home and how to enhance our beauty with rose water. First let us see how to prepare rose water. Take a cup of washed rose petals. I have already taken a cup of washed rose petals. Take some water in a vessel and heat it. Switch off the stove once it reaches boiling stage. Put the rose petals in the water.
Close it with and lid and leave for 20 minutes. Then only the essence in the rose will be in the water. After 20 minutes open the lid, pure homemade rose water is ready. Strain the water and you can store and refrigerate this rose water in a bottle and use it for one week. Add some rose water in the bathing water and use. Get soft and refreshed skin by using it regularly.
Rose water is good for our eyes. Dip a piece of cotton and place it on your eyes. It reduces the swelling and your eyes will look beautiful. If people with dry skin use this rose water you will get good results. It removes the dryness in your skin and keeps your skin soft. Rose water helps to increase the skin tone.
It removes the wrinkles and show our skin always young. When we go out and come back there will be more dust in our skin. Wipe your face with a cotton dipped in rose water and it will become fresh. Many people's face will be dull and oily in the summer. Wipe your face with a cotton dipped in rose water and it removes the excess oil and make you fresh.